534: Garmin G5 XP-11 Conversion Update 2

One of the hassles in doing the conversion for G5 gauges to X-Plane is many FSX/P3D codes don’t have equivalents in X-Plane, and some even react and perform differently.   In addition, there are extra needs not only for updates and enhancements but also needs for changes and additions in order to better match with the current model of the Garmin G5.

For example, the Autopilot status bar on the 2016 version G5 PFD is located in the bottom center on the display (left image below).  It was the layout my G5 gauges for FSX/P3D were based on.   In the 2018 model, the Autopilot status bar has been widened and moved to the top (right image below).

Also, the Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) Continue reading

533: Garmin G5 XP-11 Conversion Update

After nearly two months, the minimum targeted number of 10 supporters wanted for the G5 XP-11 conversion project have still not been met.  Only eight simmers showed interests in supporting it.

However, since two of the supporters who expressed willingness to give a bit more to fill up the gap to kick start the project as soon as possible, I sent out emails to all potential supporters for final confirmation last week.

Sadly, four among the eight in the end, including the two who said would pay more, withdrew their supports.

Not a complaint and no hard feeling.  It’s within my expectation that people are really not that keen on the G5 gauges.

The good news is: Continue reading