813: I got Infected with COVID-19

Although I’ve been very cautious with face mask on all the time when going out and seldom go to crowded places , and had 4 doses Covid-19_resizeof vaccines last year, I eventually failed to avoid from Covid-19 infection two days ago after nearly 4 years.

Thanks goodness my wife is safe.

According to scientiests, the current virus is less severe than its early existence . But I have to say that it is still a very uncomfortable experience.

Wish you all good health.

Stay Safe and Happy Flying

772: Where Do You Buy Addons From ?

Saw an interesting discusion from an MSFS forum yesterday about where we should buy our addons from — the MSFS MarketPlace or the Developer’s website or their partnered webstores ?

Most people support the latter because in comparison the price is generally cheaper and the product release and update times are faster.

I agreed with them in general.  But the truth I found is: not all developers have good customer services and not all developers/webstores will prompt you for updates and bugs immedately.  And the most frustrated is this “missing link” sometimes leads to CTDs after MSFS updates.

There were many times I had to Google and trial and error to find out what addon(s) was (or were) the cause(s).  Spending hours to catch the bugs wasn’t uncommon in my experience.

A recent example Continue reading