849: Pilatus PC12 EIS Released

Last week, I said I could finish the EIS project for the Carenado’s MSFS Pilatus PC12 by weekend.  Things happened unexpectedly.  Anyway, it’s now ready.
MSFS_PC12_ENG1_JPG_resize   MSFS_PC12_ENG2_JPG_resize
One thing worth noting: due to hardware and software limitations, the way how Carenado implements the ITT function on the PC12 is virtually impossible to be ported to the FIP directly.  This causes misalignments between the values sent to the FIP and the ones shown on the virtual EIS.

Although the bug is unsolvable, the way the ITT performs, luckily, Continue reading

843: EIS for X-Plane C172SP-G1000 Released

Here’s the X-Plane version of the EIS (Engine Indication System) developed for the C172SP-G1000 per some friends requests.XPL_C172SP_EIS_GIFS

Feature-wise, it functions identically to the one developed for MSFS.  Its appearance, however, is fully revised according to the G1000 on the C172SP in X-Plane.

Similarly, it is a good supplement when flying the C172SP-G1000 or the C172SP with the FIP Generic G5 Gauges. Continue reading

839: G58 EIS Released

This is the fifth Engine Indication System (EIS) developed for the G58, which I didn’t expect I could done it by the end of the year.  MSFS_G58_EIS_GIFS

As the G58 is a two-engine aircraft, all features come with both Left and Right indications.  Moreover, the Fuel Tank Cross Feed option is also incorporated, which can be toggled by the left and right knobs on the FIP.

The Flight Endurance in hh:mm format and Range in Nautical Mile introduced from last EIS are surely included.

Very likely, this G58 EIS is the last or the second last EIS in my development plan for the default aircraft.  It’s not only becasue the layout of the EIS on the new SR22T is largely different from the original SR22 recently replaced, there are not much information could be found to support my work neither so far.

Anyway, for those who are interested in this G58 EIS, Continue reading

838: DA40-NG EIS Released

This the forth Engine Indication System (EIS) customized for the Diamond DA40-NG.MSFS_DA40-NG_EIS_GIFS

Since there’s no direct FS variables for the Piston Load of the aircraft in percentage, it took me quite a while to figure out an alternative way to implement it properly.

In addition, Flight Endurance in hh:mm format and Range in Nautical Mile are included by request, which are not consolidated in the first three EIS.   However, they will be added back when updates released.

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835: G36 EIS Released

The Engine Indication System (EIS) for the G36 Bonanza is the third of the EIS series.MSFS_G36_EIS_GIF3S

It’s a very nice supplement to the existing G36 gauges which was developed more than two years ago for FIP users.

In the layout, digital values of all component are included so as to enhance their visibility when more accurate data information is immediately needed.

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834: C208B EIS Released

The Engine Indication System (EIS) for the C208B EX Grand Caravan has been completed and it is the second product in the MSFS_C208B_EIS_JPG_resizeEIS series under development.

Feature-wise, it has included all the essential components from the original panel on the aircraft and works as is designed.

However, due to FIP limitations, adding the Maximum Cruise Torque Bug to the Torque Indicator is not possible.  Similarly, Redline Warnings for Torque performance, likewise, is only available under 4,000 feet.

Nevertheless, the green bar and red line of the Torque indicator will still be dynamically changing according to aircraft altitude up to 24,000 feet. Continue reading

833: C172-G1000 EIS Released

The Engine Indication System (EIS) for the C172-G1000 is now ready.  It is the first of MSFS_C172_EIS_JPG_resizea series of similar EIS being developed for different aircraft.

Existing owners of the C172-G1000 3-Gauge Pack and C172-G1000 with G5 Combo Set could contact me for a 25 and 50% discount off respectively.  The offer is valid thru to the end of the year.

Here’s the link to the FIP store Continue reading

831: C172-G1000 EIS Preview

Here’s a video preview of the coming Engine Indication System (EIS) for the C172-G1000 to be released soon.  It can also seamlessly replace the Engine Cluster on the C172 Classic version, especially when flying with the Generic G5 Gauges.

At present, all layout, structure and programming are completed, except a few more features to be tuned and decided.

This C172-G1000 EIS is the first Continue reading