849: Pilatus PC12 EIS Released

Last week, I said I could finish the EIS project for the Carenado’s MSFS Pilatus PC12 by weekend.  Things happened unexpectedly.  Anyway, it’s now ready.
MSFS_PC12_ENG1_JPG_resize   MSFS_PC12_ENG2_JPG_resize
One thing worth noting: due to hardware and software limitations, the way how Carenado implements the ITT function on the PC12 is virtually impossible to be ported to the FIP directly.  This causes misalignments between the values sent to the FIP and the ones shown on the virtual EIS.

Although the bug is unsolvable, the way the ITT performs, luckily, Continue reading

833: C172-G1000 EIS Released

The Engine Indication System (EIS) for the C172-G1000 is now ready.  It is the first of MSFS_C172_EIS_JPG_resizea series of similar EIS being developed for different aircraft.

Existing owners of the C172-G1000 3-Gauge Pack and C172-G1000 with G5 Combo Set could contact me for a 25 and 50% discount off respectively.  The offer is valid thru to the end of the year.

Here’s the link to the FIP store Continue reading

831: C172-G1000 EIS Preview

Here’s a video preview of the coming Engine Indication System (EIS) for the C172-G1000 to be released soon.  It can also seamlessly replace the Engine Cluster on the C172 Classic version, especially when flying with the Generic G5 Gauges.

At present, all layout, structure and programming are completed, except a few more features to be tuned and decided.

This C172-G1000 EIS is the first Continue reading

741: FIP 3-Gauge PACKS for G1000 Aircraft

Jim Gerow recently raised in the Discord’s Gauges-for-MSFS Channel that flightsimmers, like him, run their cockpits with the G1000 hardware might only need the corresponding FIP Gauges for the ASI, ATT and ALT.  He proposed that some 3-Gauge Packs for the G1000 aircraft in MSFS should be added to my FIP line-up.
Cirrus SR22_04S
Yes, that makes sense.  Five 3-Gauge Packs for the Cessna C172-G1000, Cirrus SR22, Diamond DA40-NG, BeechCraft G36 and G58 have jsut been created.

In addition, extra ALT versions Continue reading