11 thoughts on “News: A2A C172 Trainer Development Videos

  1. This look really good, as mention above would be nice with more GPS option but the attention put in even the pre-flight stuff and sound right through the handling seems very close to real. Great for training for going through all the check closer to the real thing.
    I also think this would make a great buy to have in the hangar list.
    Thanks Tom and lets keep an eye out for the future video easy to understand great for showing the steps too.


  2. Wow looks nice. I am a die hard Carenado flyer, as they always seem to have the the best looking AC, but A2A seems to have really put forth the effort in this one. The only complaint I have for all AC makers is please allow me to install my Reality XP GPS units. I have spent a lot of good money on them and would like to be able to integrate them into the virtual panel not just have them as a pop up window.



  3. I am already following the progress of this one… and like I “discuss” with a friend the other day… I will get this one before the PMDG 777


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