849: Pilatus PC12 EIS Released

Last week, I said I could finish the EIS project for the Carenado’s MSFS Pilatus PC12 by weekend.  Things happened unexpectedly.  Anyway, it’s now ready.
MSFS_PC12_ENG1_JPG_resize   MSFS_PC12_ENG2_JPG_resize
One thing worth noting: due to hardware and software limitations, the way how Carenado implements the ITT function on the PC12 is virtually impossible to be ported to the FIP directly.  This causes misalignments between the values sent to the FIP and the ones shown on the virtual EIS.

Although the bug is unsolvable, the way the ITT performs, luckily, still resembles the other PC12 version Carenado developed for X-Plane earlier.

So, besides the ITT is what it is now, all other functions on the FIP EIS still work nicely without any issue.  Indeed I am happy with it as a whole.

For those who are interested, please visit the FIP Gauge Store here.

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