113: A Quick Fix to SHADE Darkness

As mentioned in Post 107, the one thing I particularly dislike SHADE for FSX is that all its available Presets will significantly dim the brightness of all scenes in FSX, especially in the early morning and late afternoon.

Although users can modify the Preset values via the program’s graphical user interface (Shade_gui.exe), the effects of changes are not intuitive and the results are to some extent depending on a time-consuming trial-and-error process.

Indeed, there’s not much one can do to speed up the process of getting an ideal result from color and shadow changes.   But for the “too dark” issue, followings are what I did for a quick fix, from which I further finetune the color and shadow of shade for my own preferences.

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112: Finding the Day of SHADE

As explained by the developers of SHADE for FSX, days in FSX are looped in a 10-day cycle and his program was designed and built on that loop, which allows the loading of up to 10 different SHADE presets in FSX.

However, how to find which Day is active on a specific date is not easy (at least not by the time of this post).

Followings are the principles of the 10-day cycle and how it is calculated: Continue reading

107: SHADE for FSX – An Angel and A Demon

Mogwaisoft’s Shade for FSX is a little program that can modify the ambient colors and tones in FSX.    It is somewhat similar to, but better than, the ENBSeries freeware which also helps improve the bloom and shade in FSX.    The latest version of the program at the time of this post is 1.02.

Shade for FSX comes with a graphic interface where users can pick different presets with varieties of light, shadow and fog settings for the ultimate effect in color and tone rendered in FSX.   Also, it allows users to create their own customized settings to match their preferences and tastes.

The working principle of the program is as follow:  Continue reading